If you are new to our program please visit the following links to help you prepare for your move to WSU:
- New Student To-Do List
- Graduate Manual
- A Guide to the Effective Use of Generative A.I.
- Graduate School
- Graduate School Forms On Line
- Graduate School Publications – Policies and Procedures
- Campus map
- Classroom information
- Commencement
- Counseling Services
- Admissions Deadlines
- Doctoral Degree Deadlines
- Bertha C. and Roy E. Leigh Distinguished Lectures in Economics
- FERPA Training and Certification Test
- Graduate Student Rights and Responsibilities
- International Requirements
- International Teaching Assistants (ITA) assessment
- Job Market Guide
- Payroll Deduction
- Program Forms On Line
- Registrar
- Campus Police
- Safety-Emergency Management
- School of Economic Sciences Graduate Student Association (SES-GSA).
- Student Handbook, Office of Student Affairs and Enrollment
- Student Life
- Student Pay
- Transportation and parking services
- Tuition and Fees (pdf)
- WSU Housing services.
- WSU Schedule of Classes
School of Economic Sciences Graduate Program Information
WSU Graduate School Information
(applicable to all graduate programs at WSU)
Other Useful Links
If you require an alternative format for any of the content provided on this website, please contact: Jaimie Dahl