Edwin Gianini presenting at SURCA

School of Economic Sciences

Our program provides students with the economic knowledge, quantitative tools, and communication skills necessary to secure professional positions in a wide range of industries and public organizations.
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Economics at WSU

The School of Economic Sciences offers a highly rated PhD program in Economics and Agricultural Economics, an M.S. degree in Economics, a professionally oriented Master of Applied Economics, and an undergraduate program leading to B.S. degrees (both in-person in Pullman and fully online) that can open doors to a wide variety of career paths.

The School is dedicated to high-quality teaching, research, outreach, and engagement. Students are taught by 30 full-time faculty members from many economic disciplines. The faculty and students are actively engaged in cutting-edge research. There is a strong tradition of excellence in applied econometric modeling.


Jaimie Dahl

Department News

Oct. 18th Homecoming Banquet & Auction!