Crop Enterprise Budgets

Agricultural operations are currently facing challenges due to the rising costs of inputs and stagnant output prices. To secure farm profitability, it is crucial to carefully assess expenses and revenues. Washington State University offers resources, such as tailored enterprise budgets, to guide producers in making informed decisions.

How to use enterprise budgets?

Enterprise budgets help farm management decisions. For example, projecting higher chemical costs prompts cost reduction exploration. Similarly, identifying high equipment depreciation may lead to selling underutilized machinery. Enterprise budgets can help you determine if the prices offered for your product will return a profit or a loss.

Structure of enterprise budgets

Enterprise budgets present returns and costs. Total or gross returns, which are price times yield, are usually presented first. In WSU tree fruit crop budgets, we include the prices negotiated by the packinghouse on behalf of the grower. In other words, these are not the prices received by the growers, it is the price received by the packinghouse. We include the packinghouse charges as a variable cost. In other WSU specialty crop budgets, farm-gate prices are used, which are prices received by farmers for their crops.

Costs include variable costs and fixed costs. Variable costs are those expenses that only occur when production happens. Examples of variable costs include, but are not limited to: hired labor, chemicals, trees/plants, fertilizers, fuel, lube, etc. Fixed costs are those costs that need to be paid even if there were no production. Examples of fixed costs include, but are not limited to: depreciation, interest cost on fixed capital, taxes, crop and property insurance.

Interpreting profits

Profits are the difference between total returns and total costs. There are different ways to look at profits. Accounting profit is the difference between total returns and cash costs, often calculated with the guidance of your accountant. Economic profit is the difference between total returns and total production costs, which include the accounting costs, depreciation of fixed capital (except land) and opportunity costs. Opportunity costs denote the potential revenue foregone when opting to invest in your business line (in WSU budgets, it is a block within your whole agricultural operation). If your economic profits are greater than zero, it means that you are maximizing your profits by allocating your money in that business line. In the WSU enterprise budgets, opportunity costs include management labor, interest costs on land, machinery, equipment, irrigation and trellis systems, and capital amortization.

Sensitivity analyses

Enterprise budgets can be used for planning of future plantings and as such depend on assumptions. Therefore, it is essential to evaluate the impact of varying assumptions on your projected profitability. WSU enterprise budgets include different profitability forecasts to different output prices and yields. WSU enterprise budgets also include break-even analyses to understand the minimum price required to cover different types of costs: variable costs, cash costs, and cash costs plus opportunity costs.


WSU Crop Enterprise Budgets Instructional Video


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Washington Enterprise Budgets for Crop Commodities

Alfalfa2012 Irrigated Alfalfa Hay Budget Under Center Pivot in the Columbia Basin (FS133E) Norberg, Neibergs2014pdf
AlfalfaOrganic Alfalfa Management Guide (Feb 2009) (EB2039E)Fuerst, Koenig, Kugler, Painter, Stannard, Goldberger2009pdf
AlfalfaSpreadsheet for Dryland Organic Alfalfa ProductionPainter2009pdf
Alfalfa2009 Costs of Producing Alfalfa Hay Under Center Pivot Irrigation in the Columbia Basin of Washington State April 2009 (EM007)Hinman, Kugler, Painter, Petersen2009pdf
AlfalfaCost Calculator for Irrigated Organic Alfalfa ProductionPainter2009pdf,

Alfalfa2006 Cost of Producing Alfalfa Seed in the Columbia Basin of Washington State (EB2013E)Hinman, Kugler2006pdf
Alfalfa2002 Cost of Producing Alfalfa Hay Under Center-Pivot Irrigation in the Columbia Basin of Washington State (EB1942E)HInman, Kugler, Woodward2002pdf
Alfalfa1996 Alfalfa Seed Enterprise Budget, Walla Walla County, Washington (EB1375)Gary, Willett1996pdf
Alfalfa2002 Cost of Producing Alfalfa Seed in the Columbia Basin of Washington State (EB1945E)Hinman, Kugler2002pdf
Alfalfa1992 Cost of Producing Alfalfa Seed Under Rill Irrigation in Franklin and Grant Counties (EB1715)Hinman, Kulp1992pdf
Apples2022 Cost Estimates of Producing and Packing Organic Gala Apples in Washington State (TB19E)Gallardo, Galinato2022PDF
Apples2022 Cost Estimates of Producing and Packing Organic Honeycrisp Apples in Washington State (TB91E)Gallardo, Galinato2022PDF
Apples2019 Cost Estimates of Establishing, Producing and Packing Fuji Apples in Washington State (TB73E)Gallardo, Galinato2020pdf
Apples2019 Cost Estimates of Establishing, Producing, and Packing Granny Smith Apples in Washington State (TB74E)Gallardo, Galinato2020pdf
Apples2019 Cost Estimates of Establishing, Producing, and Packing Cripps Pink Apples in Washington State (TB75E)Gallardo, Galinato2020pdf
Apples2019 Cost Estimates of Establishing, Producing, and Packing Honeycrisp Apples in Washington State (TB070E)Gallardo, Galinato2020pdf
Apples2019 Cost Estimates of Establishing, Producing, and Packing Gala Apples in Washington StateGalinato, Gallardo2020pdf
Apples2015 Cost Estimates of Establishing and Producing Specialty Cider Apples in Central WashingtonGalinato, Miles2017pdf
ApplesFeasibility of Different Harvest Methods for Cider Apples: Case Study for Western Washington (TB32)Galinato, Miles, Alexander2016pdf
ApplesTB32 Appendix A. Hand Harvested Cider Apples (spreadsheet)Galinato, Miles, Alexander2016excel
ApplesTB32 Appendix B. Mechanically Harvested Cider Apples (spreadsheet)Galinato, Miles, Alexander2016excel

Apples2014 Cost Estimates of Establishing, Producing, and Packing Gala Apples in Washington State (TB18)Galinato, Gallardo, Hong2016pdf
Apples2014 Cost Estimates of Establishing, Producing and Packing Organic Gala Apples in Washington (TB19)Galinato, Gallardo, Hong2016pdf
Apples2014 Cost Estimates of Establishing, Producing and Packing Organic Red Delicious Apples in Washington (TB12)Galinato, Gallardo, Hong2016pdf
Apples2014 Cost Estimates of Establishing, Producing, and Packing Red Delicious Apples in Washington (TB07)Galinato, Gallardo2016pdf
Apples2014 Cost Estimates of Establishing, Producing and Packing Fuji Apples in Washington (TB29)Galinato, Gallardo2016pdf

ApplesTB29 Appendix A. Fuji Apples Grown under an Angled Trellis System (spreadsheet)Galinato, Gallardo2016excel
ApplesTB29 Appendix B. Fuji Apples Grown under a Spindle Trellis System State (spreadsheet)Galinato, Gallardo2016excel

Apples2013 Cost Estimation of Establishing a Cider Apple Orchard in Western Washington (FS141E)Galinato, Gallardo, Miles2014pdf
Apples2012 Cost Estimates of Establishing, Producing, and Packing Red Delicious Apples in Washington (FS099E)Gallardo, Galinato2012pdf
Apples2011 Cost Estimates of Establishing, Producing and Packing Honeycrisp Apples in Washington (FS062E)Galinato, Gallardo2012pdf
Apples2010 Cost Estimates of Establishing and Producing Organic Apples in Washington (FS041E)Galinato, Granatstein, Taylor2011pdf
Apples2009 Cost Estimates of Establishing and Producing Gala Apples in Washington (FS005E)Gallardo, Taylor, Hinman2010pdf
ApplesA Cost of Production Analysis of Conventional vs. Integrated vs. Organic Apple Production Systems, 2002 (XB1041)Glover, Hinman, Reganold, Andrews2002pdf
ApplesEstimated Capital Requirements and Profitability of Establishing and Producing a High Density Fuji Apple Orchard in Eastern Washington, 1998 (EB1878)Hinman, Williams, Faubion1998pdf
ApplesEconomic Analysis of Apple Orchard Management Systems with Three Varieties in Central Washington (XB1032)Bechtel, Barritt, Dilley, Hinman1995pdf
ApplesCost of Establishing a 10-Acre Jonagold Apple Orchard in Northwest Washington, 1994 (EB1763)1994pdf
ApplesEstimated Costs and Returns of Replanting an Apple Orchard to a Double Row V-Trellis High Density System in Central Washington, 1993 (EB1735E)Marshall, Maib, Peterson, Hinman1992pdf
Apples1987 Estimated Cost of Producing Apples in the Wenatchee Area (EB1472)1987pdf
Apples1992 Estimated Cost of Producing Red Delicious Apples in Central Washington (EB1720E)Hinman, Tvergyak, Peterson, Clements1992pdf
AsparagusEstimated Costs and Returns for Establishing and Producing Asparagus in Washington in 2009Neibergs, Waters2009pdf
Beans2002 Cost of Producing Dry Beans, Sweet Corn and Green Peas Under Center Pivot Irrigation in the Columbia Basin of Washington State (EB1941E)Hinman, Pelter, Sorensen, Fickle2002pdf
Beets1996 Estimated Cost and Returns for Producing Sugar Beets, Columbia Basin, Washington (EB1820)Hinman, Kulp1996pdf
Blueberries2022 Cost Estimates Establishing and Producing Organic 'Duke' Blueberries in Eastern WashingtonGallardo, Galinato, Hoheisel2023pdf

Blueberries2022 Cost Estimates of Establishing and Producing Organic 'Elliott' Blueberries in Eastern WashingtonGallardo, Galinato, Hoheisel2023pdf

Blueberries2022 Cost Estimates of Producing and Packing Conventional ‘Duke’ Blueberries in Western WashingtonGallardo, Galinato, and Benedict 2022pdf

Blueberries2022 Cost Estimates of Producing and Packing Conventional ‘Draper’ Blueberries in Western WashingtonGallardo, Galinato, Benedict2022pdf

Blueberries2015 Cost Estimates of Establishing and Producing Conventional Highbush Blueberries in Western Washington (TB36)Galinato, Gallardo, Hong2016pdf
Blueberries2015 Cost Estimates of establishinig and producing organic highbush blueberries in Eastern Washington (TB28)Galinato, Gallardo, Hong2016pdf
Budgets1997 Enterprise Budgets for Potatoes, Winter Wheat, Alfalfa Hay, Grain Corn, Silage Corn, and Sweet Corn Under Center Pivot Irrigation, Columbia Basin, Washington (EB1667)Hinman, Pelter, Kulp, Gillespie, Sorensen1997pdf
Budgets1997 Enterprise Budgets for Carrot Seed, Radish Seed and Onion Seed, Columbia Basin, Washington (EB1664)Hinman, Pelter1997pdf
Budgets1994 Crop Enterprise Budgets, Kittitas County, Washington (Timothy-Legume and Alfalfa Hay, Sudan Grass, Sweet Corn and Spring Wheat Under Rill Irrigation) (EB1173)1994pdf
CanolaEconomics of Spring Canola Production in Dryland Eastern Washington (EB2009E)Painter, Hinman, Roe2006pdf
Carrot2000 Carrot Enterprise Budgets, Columbia Basin, Washington (EB1504)Hinman, Sorensen, Pelter2000pdf
Cherries2021-2022 Cost Estimates of Establishing, Producing, and Packing Chelan Sweet Cherries in Washington State (TB84E)Gallardo and Galinato2022pdf
2021 excel
2022 excel
Cherries2021-2022 Cost Estimates of Establishing, Producing, and Packing Skeena Sweet Cherries in Washington State (TB85E)Gallardo and Galinato2022pdf
2021 excel
2022 excel
Cherries2021-2022 Cost Estimates of Establishing, Producing, and Packing Coral Champagne Sweet Cherries in Washington State (TB82E)Gallardo and Galinato2022pdf
2021 excel
2022 excel
Cherries2021-2022 Cost Estimates of Establishing, Producing, and Packing Sweetheart Sweet Cherries in Washington State (TB83E)Gallardo and Galinato2022pdf
2021 excel
2022 excel
Cherries2015 Cost Estimates of Establishing, Producing, and Packing Sweetheart Sweet Cherries in Washington State (TB34)Galinato, Gallardo2016pdf
Cherries2015 Cost Estimates of Establishing, Producing, and Packing Bing Sweet Cherries in Washington (TB22)Galinato and Gallardo 2016pdf
Cherries2009 Cost Estimates of Establishing and Producing Sweet Cherries in Washington (FS022E)Galinato, Gallardo, Taylor2010pdf
CherriesCost of Establishing and Producing Sweet Cherries in Central Washington in 2007 (EB2026E)Hinman, Hoheisel2007pdf
CherriesCost of Establishing and Producing Sweet Cherries in Central Washington in 1998 (EB1877E)Hinman, Watson1998pdf
Corn1993 Enterprise Budgets, Corn Silage and Corn Grain Under Rill Irrigation, Yakima and Benton Counties, Washington (EB1752)Hinman, Van Doren, Hoffmann1993pdf
Cranberries1995 Cranberry Establishment and Production Costs and Returns, Southwestern Washington, Wet Harvest (EB1806)Schaeffer, Patten, Carkner 1995pdf
Cranberries1995 Cranberry Establishment and Production Costs and Returns, Southwestern Washington, Dry Harvest (EB1805)Schaeffer, Patten, Carkner1995pdf
Crop LeasesAnalyzing Dryland Crop Leases (EB1981)Hinman2006pdf
Crop Rotation2009 Crop Rotation Budgets for Under 15 in. PrecipitationPainter, Miller2009pdf
Crop Rotation2009 Crop Rotation Budgets for 15 to 18 in. Precipitation Zone Under Direct SeedingPainter, MIller2009pdf
Crop Rotation2009 Crop Rotation Budgets for 15 to 18 in. Precipitation Zone Under Conventional TillagePainter, Miller2009pdf
CropsCosts of Production for Typical Crops in Eastern Whitman County 18Painter2009pdf
CucumbersHand-Harvest Cucumber Costs and Returns, Northwest Washington (EB1830)Anderson, Carkner, Havens, Moore1997pdf
GrapesEconomic Tools: Grape and Wine ProductionVarious 2020website
GrapesConcord Grape Establishment and Production Costs in Washington, 1996 (EB1823)Aegerter, Folwell1996pdf
Hops2020 Estimated Costs of Establishing and Producing Conventional and Organic Hops in the Pacific Northwest (TB38E)Galinato2022pdf
HopsTB38E Conventional Hops Enterprise BudgetGalinato2022excel
HopsTB38E Organic Hops Enterprise BudgetGalinato2022excel
Hops2015 Estimated Cost of Establishing and Producing Hops in the Pacific Northwest (TB38)Galinato, Tozer2016pdf
Hops2010 Estimated Cost of Producing Hops in the Yakima Valley, Washington State (FS028E)Galinato, George, Hinman2010pdf
Hops2004 Estimated Cost of Producing Hops under Drip Irrigation in the Yakima Valley, Washington State (EB1975E)Hinman2004pdf

Lettuce2011 Cost of Producing Head Lettuce in High Tunnels in Western Washington (FS092E)Galinato, Miles, Ponnaluru2012pdf
Lettuce2011 Cost Estimates of Producing Fresh Market Field-Grown Head Lettuce in Western Washington (FS081E)Galinato, Miles2012pdf
Onions2004 Estimated Cost and Returns for Producing Onions Columbia Basin, Washington (EB1979E)Hinman, Pelter2004pdf
Peaches1989 Estimated Costs of Producing Peaches in the Yakima Valley, Washington (EB1536)1989pdf
Pears2022 Cost Estimates of Producing and Packing Fresh-Market Bartlett Pears in South WashingtonGallardo, Galinato, Nottingham2022pdf

Pears2022 Cost Estamates of Producing and Packing Fresh-Market Anjou Pears in the Wenatchee River Valley, Washington StateGallardo, Galinato, Nottingham2022pdf

Pears2020 Cost Estimates of Producing Bartlett Pears for Canning in Washington State TB80EGallardo, Galinato2021pdf
Pears2010 Cost Estimates of Producing Bartlett Pears in the Yakima Valley, Washington (FS034E)Galinato, Gallardo2011pdf
PearsCost of Producing Pears in the Wenatchee District of Central Washington, 1998 (EB1374)Hinman, Smith, Witney1998pdf
Pears1989 Estimated Costs of Producing Pears in the Yakima Valley, Washington (EB1549)Hinman, Peterson, Williams1989unavailable
Pears1989 Estimated Costs of Reestablishing a Pear Orchard in the Yakima Valley, Washington (EB1535)1989pdf
Pears2010 Estimated Cost of Producing Pears in North Central Washington (FS031E)Galinato, Gallardo2011pdf
PeppermintPeppermint Rill Irrigation (spreadsheet) (FS077Erill)Galinato, Gallardo2012excel
Peppermint2011 Cost of Producing Peppermint under Rill and Center-Pivot Irrigation in Washington State (FS077E)Galinato, Gallardo2012pdf
PeppermintPeppermint Center Pivot Irrigation (FS077Ecenter)Galinato, Gallardo2012excel
Potatoes2019 Costs Estimates of Producing Fresh and Processing Potatoes in Washington (TB67E)Galinato, Wohleb2019pdf
Potatoes2015 Costs Estimates of Producing Fresh and Processing Potatoes in Washington (TB14)Galinato, Tozer2016pdf
Potatoes2006 Cost of Producing Processing and Fresh Potatoes under Center Pivot Irrigation - Columbia Basin, Washington (EB2015E)Hinman, Trent, Pavek2006pdf
Potatoes1995 Estimated Red Potato Production Costs for Fresh Market in Northwest Washington (EB1801)Carkner, Havens1995pdf
Red Raspberries1985 Red Raspberry Production Costs and Returns, Western Washington (EB0930)Carkner, Scheer1985pdf
Red Raspberries2015 Cost Estimates of Establishing and Producing Red Raspberries in Washington (TB21)Galinato, DeVetter2016pdf
SpearmintNative Spearmint Center Pivot (spreadsheet)Gallardo2011excel
SpearmintScotch Spearmint Center Pivot Irrigation (spreadsheet)Gallardo2011excel
SpearmintNative Spearmint Rill Irrigation (spreadsheet)Gallardo2011excel
SpearmintScotch Spearmint Rill Irrigation (spreadsheet)Gallardo2011excel
Spearmint2010 Cost of Producing Native and Scotch Spearmint Under Rill and Center-Pivot Irrigation in WashingtonGallardo2011pdf
Strawberries2011 Cost Estimates of Producing Strawberries in a High Tunnel in Western Washington (FS093E)Galinato, Walters2012pdf
StrawberriesFS093E Appendix. 2011 Cost Estimates of Producing Fresh Market Field-Grown Strawberry in Washington.Galinato, Walters2012excel
TillageReduced Tillage Budgets, Eastern Whitman Co.Painter, Miller2009pdf
TillageNo Tillage Budgets, Eastern Whitman Co.Painter, Miller2009pdf
Tomatoes2011 Cost Estimates of Producing High-Tunnel Tomatoes in Western Washington (FS090E)Galinato, Miles, Ponnaluru2012pdf
Tomatoes2011 Cost of Producing Fresh Market Field-Grown Tomatoes in Western Washington (FS080E)Galinato, Miles, Ponnaluru2012pdf
WatermelonsNon-grafted and Grafted Seedless Watermelon Transplants: Comparative Economic Feasiability Analysis (TB08)Galinato, Miles, Wimer2016pdf,
App A
App B
Watermelons2013 Cost Estimation of Producing Seedless Watermelon in Eastern Washington (FS150E)Galinato, Miles, Wimer2014pdf
WheatEconomics of an Irrigated No-till Crop Rotation with Alternative Stubble Management Systems Versus Continuous Irrigated Winter Wheat with Burning and Plowing of Stubble, Lind, WA, 2001-2006 (EB2029E)Zaikin, Young, Schillinger2006pdf
WheatEconomic Comparison of No-Till Annual Crop Rotations to Winter Wheat-Summer Fallow in Adams County, WA, 2001-2004 (EB1997E)Nail, Young, Hinman, Schillinger2004pdf
WheatEconomic Comparison of the Undercutter and Traditional Tillage Systems for Winter Wheat-Summer Fallow Farming (EB2022)Zaikin, Young, Schillinger2007pdf
Wheat2014 Crop Budgets in the High Rainfall Zone of Eastern WashingtonPainter, Galinato, Nadreau2014excel
Wheat2014 Crop Budgets in the Intermediate Rainfall Zone of Eastern WashingtonPainter, Galinato, Nadreau2014excel
Wheat2014 Crop Budgets in the Low Rainfall Zone of Eastern WashingtonPainter, Galinato, Nadreau2014excel
WineCosts of Investment and Operation in Various Sizes of Premium Table Wine Wineries in Washington State, 2001. (EB1909)N/A2001N/A

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Email: Karina Gallardo
Office: Puyallup Research and Extension Center, Kalkus Hall 317B
Phone: 253-445-4584